Sunday, August 3, 2008

Random thoughts and what to expect

I figure that I should probably lay down some ground rules as to how I will run this blog.  I will not tip my hand politically.  In other words, it is a secret ballot for a reason when we vote.  Also, I see the Army as the entity that puts into action the foreign policy of the Office of the President.  Therefore, whichever party is in office, it truly doesn't matter to me.  As I, and every other Soldier stated in our initial oath, "...obey the orders of the President of the United States and the officers appointed over me."  So, just as a forward, don't look to me for any type of political insight or analysis as to the "why."  I will leave that to those employed by CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and all other media outlets.  They get paid for analysis, I get paid to protect freedom.  Fair enough, right??  

As for me, I am still moving right along.  Being a Soldier is not always the glamorous life.  It is early formations followed by push-ups, sit-ups, and a nice four mile run.  You have to love Monday morning... I'll talk again soon.

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